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One of the scariest holiday of the year is coming and BARPOINT team created almost in each projects their own specials according to 'needed horror style' and restaurant's frames of creativity.


Bar Manager: Elizaveta Chuprova

This year, the secular restaurant's presenting three drinks based on the world famous Dante's poem - The Devine Comedy. Every special dedicated to every chapter - Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso.

Nine Circles: Tequila, Grapefruit, Ginger, Creme de Cassis, Grappa

Seven P: Tequila, Polugar, Lime, Marasquin, Tomato Foam.

Beatrice: Tequila, Strega, Grappa, Apple, Lime, Prosecco


Bar Manager: Denis Sevostyanov

In Japanese project our BARPOINT team has developed 2 Japanese horror themed cocktails, which definitely will surprise anyone who order.

Ta in no Kao (The face of another): cocktail based on famous black-and-white japanese horror, made of aged shochu, pumpkin, bitters and an image of the main character of the film, which gradually turns a transparent cocktail black.

Noroi - cocktail based on a Japanese horror movie about the journalist that collects materials about the paranormal phenomena. 3D printed face is the perfect garnish for this drink to enjoy during the celebration.


Bar Manager: Sergey Bondarev

The team presented not just one cocktail, but a whole line of elixirs based on the world-famous The Witcher series. Each bubble has its own specific power or gift and you will never know what's hiding inside.

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